For good health, the National Cancer Institute and American Diabetes Association recommend daily consumption of high fiber foods. Both agencies suggest daily high dietary fiber intake amounting to 20 – 35 g per day.

The USDA 2005 dietary guidelines recommend 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables, and a minimum of 1.5 whole grain food servings (for babies of 2 -3 years old) per day to meet our daily dietary fiber requirements.

The number of all fiber food servings increases with age. For a person of 9 years and older, the recommended whole grain serving is 3 – 6 per day. Read this list of dietary recommended allowance (RDA) for dietary fiber for all ages.

Any one of the following are examples of one dietary fiber servings.

Fruit and Vegetables Fiber Servings

Examples of one fruit or vegetable servings:

  • a small glass of 100% fruit or vegetable juice (3/4 cup or 6 oz)
  • a medium-size piece of fruit (an orange, small banana, medium-size apple)
  • 1 cup of raw salad greens
  • ½ cup of cooked vegetables
  • 1/2 cup of cut-up fruit or vegetables
  • 1/4 cup of dried fruit
  • 1/2 cup of dried beans or peas

Whole Grains Fiber Servings

Examples of one whole grain fiber servings:

  • 1/2 cup cooked rice, pasta, or cooked cereal
  • 1 ounce dry pasta, rice or other dry grain
  • 1 slice bread
  • 1 small muffin (weighing one ounce)
  • 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal flake


Related fiber articles:

Fiber Requirements: Daily Recommended Allowances (RDA) for Adults, Kids