High Fiber Vegetables



Vegetables are common source fiber. Below is a list of fresh, raw, vegetables with their fiber content (in grams per 100 grams of edible food portion).


Vegetable type Fiber content
Grape leaves 11.00
Fireweed leaves 10.60
Peppermint, fresh 8.00
Beans, fava, in pods 7.50
Potato flour 5.90
Peas, green 5.70
Artichokes 5.40
Sweetpotato leaves 5.30
Pigeonpeas, immature 5,30
Cowpeas (blackeyes), immature 5.00
Limabeans, immature 4.90
Parsnips 4.90
Yambean (jicama) 4.90
Lotus root 4.90
Soybeans, green 4.20
Broadbeans, immature 4.20
Kale 4.10
Yam 4.10
Taro 4.10
Chocory greens 4.00
Collards 4.00
Squash, winter, hubbard 3.90
Epazote 3.80
Mushrooms, chanterelle 3.80
Brussels sprouts 3.80
Peppers, serrano 3.70
Beet greens 3.70
Taro leaves 3.70
Kohlrabi 3.60
Dandelion greens 3.50
Pepper, banana 3.40
Beans, snap, yellow 3.40
Hyacinth beans, immature 3.30
Parsely, fresh 3.30
Burdock root 3.30
Cowpeas, young pods with seeds 3.30
Salsify (vegetable oyster) 3.30
Mustard greens 3.20
Shallots 3.20
Turnip greens 3.20
Okra 3.20
Drumstick pods 3.20
Cauliflower, green 3.20
Cabbage, savoy 3.10
Chicory, witloof 3.10
Fennel, bulb 3.10
Endive 3.10
Chrysanthemum, garland 3.00
Waterchestnuts, chinese, (matai) 3.00
Eggplant 3.00
Carrots, baby 2.90
Peppers, jalepeno 2.80
Mushrooms, morel 2.80
Beets 2.80
Mustard spinach, (tendergreen) 2.80
Mushrooms, maitake 2.70
Mushrooms, enoki 2.70
Broccoli raab 2.70
Beans, snap, green 2.70
Corn, sweet, white 2.70
Broccoli 2.60
Chives 2.50