The role of nutritionists/dietitians in human health is part of a holistic approach to prevention and treatment of diseases and human well-being. A list of nutritionist/dietitian schools and a certification board in the USA
The role of nutritionists/dietitians in human health is part of a holistic approach to prevention and treatment of diseases and maintaining well-being. Nutritionists/dietitians assess the diets of patients with medical illness and advise on ways of preventing or controlling various health problems by regimenting the patient’s diet. Among other roles, dietitians and nutritionists plan food and nutrition programs and diet regimen. They also provide personal dietary consultancy service to people interested in maintaining their health and well-being, shape, lose weight or wanting to address a specific health condition.
The difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian is that to become a dietitian one needs a formal college level education and training, and has to qualify to criteria outlined by their certification board to become certified or registered. A nutritionist, however, can be with or without formal eduction in nutrition and may not be certified/registered. Nonetheless, both nutritionists and dietitians can have up to doctorate (PhD) level of education and their training is well rounded with courses such as human biology, introductory and advanced nutrition, clinical and comminity nutrition, sports nutrition, food science courses, etc.
The following schools offer courses needed to become a nutritionist or dietitian. Ask them for details on how to become a nutritionist or dietitian.
Colorado State University
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
234 Gifford Building
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1571
Phone: (970) 491 3663
Fax: (970) 491 3875
Purdue University
Department of Food Science
745 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Phone: (765) 494-8256
Fax: (765) 494-7953
Institute for Integrative Nutrition
3 East 28th Street, 12th Floor
New York, New York 10016
Phone: 212 730 5433
Institute for Integrative Nutrition provides a fully integrative/holistic approach to health education that emphasizes the personal, social and political contexts of diet, nutrition and well-being.
To become a certified/registered nutritionist or dietitian, ask the following:
Certification Board For Nutrition Specialists (CBNS)
Att: Pearl Small, CBNS Coordinator
300 S. Duncan Ave. Suite 225
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Phone : (727) 446 - 6086
FAX: (727) 446-6202
E-mail to:
CBNS certification provides the public a way to distinguish highly trained, competent nutritionists with assurance. The protected title of Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) is awarded by CBNS to those nutritionists meeting defined educational, experience and examination requirements.
For more colleges with general nutrition research and degree programs, go to:
Nutrition Schools
Human nutrition, food and health research centers
Education: Human nutritionist/dietitian schools, certification board
Certified human nutritionist/dietitian
Licensed holistic nutritionist and integrative medicine practitioners