Title: The Low Blood Sugar Cookbook: Sugarless Cooking for Everyone
Authors: Patricia Krimmel and Edward Krimmel
Year of publication: 1993
The book covers topics such as:
- What hypoglycermia (low blood sugar) is
- How to determine if you have low blood sugar
- What to do if you have low blood sugar
- How to maintain a stable blood sugar
- Fine tuning techniques for maintaining your blood sugar
- Food supplements
- And more
Title: The Low Blood Sugar Handbook: You Don't Have to Suffer
Authors: Patricia Krimmel and Edward Krimmel
Year of publication: 1993
Title: Hypoglycemia: The Classic Healthcare Handbook Completely
Authors: Geraldine Saunders and Harvey Ross
Year of publication: 2002
Title: Do's and Don'ts of Hypoglycemia: An Everyday Guide to Low Blood Sugar
Author: Roberta Ruggiero
Year of publication: 2003
Title: Hypoglycemia: The Other Sugar Disease
Author: Anita Flegg
Year of publication: 2006
Title: Diabetes & Hypoglycemia: Your Natural Guide to Healing with Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods
Author: Michael T. Nd Murray
Year of publication: 1994
Topics covered include:
- Early symptoms and proper diagnosis
- Lifestyle choices and exercise
- Dietary guidelines, including 25 recipes
- Herbal remedies for blood sugar control
- Blood sugar imbalance and related cardiovascular diseases
Title: Hypoglycemia For Dummies
Author: James, M.D. Chow
Year of publication: 2007 (second edition)
Blood sugar management related articles:
Sugar content in food
The case for low carbohydrate diets in diabetes management